S6 ADV English

Having read Act 2 scenes 5 & 6, post a comment/tweet to summarise each scene.


  1. act 2,scene 5 summary:

    Juliet impatiently awaits the Nurse - eager for Romeo's message, finally, after teasing Juliet, the Nurse reveals the marriage plan to her.

  2. act 2,scene 6 summary:

    Romeo longs for marriage, Friar Lawrence advises to love in moderation. Juliet arrives, calls her love indescribable, they leave to be wed.

  3. Act2 Scene 5:

    Starts with Juliet anxiously awaiting the nurse's swift return. She is eager to hear the nurse's news. When the nurse comes back after three hours, she and Juliet argue a little bit. Eventually the nurse tells Juliet about Romeo's plan for their marriage.

  4. Act 2, Scene 6:
    Romeo tells the priest he is desperately in love with Juliet. The priest, Friar Lawrence, is glad to hear it but warns him to be careful and love Juliet moderately. Once Juliet arrives, she and Romea talk about their excitement. And leave to be joined in marriage by Friar Lawrence.

  5. Act 2 Scene 5:

    Juliet awaits nurse to hear news of Romeo. Upon her arrival Nurse teases Juliet before revealing Romeo’s will to get hitched.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Act 2 scene 6

    Friar gives Romeo cautionary advice to love in moderatiom, lovers go to church to be married, friar foreshadows their doom.

  8. act 2 scene 4
    Juliet impatiently awaits the nurse to hear news from Romeo. Overcome by questions, the nurse eventually reveals the marriage plan after complaining about her old age.


  9. act 2 scene 5
    As Friar Lawrence and Romeo await Juliet, Romeo empathises his love for her and Friar warns him to be careful. Juliet enters. The lovers discuss their love, then leave to be married.

  10. Juliet impatiently waits for the nurse's return with news from Romeo about the upcoming wedding. Seeing Juliet so eager to know, the nurse purposely teases her by complaining about her pains, but eventually she tells her the wedding plan.

  11. Act 2 Scene 5
    While Romeo and Friar Lawrence wait for Juliet, the Friar warns Romeo again about his decision to marry. After Juliet arrives and expresses her love for Romeo the Friar takes them to church to get married.

  12. ACT 2 SCENE 5
    As Juliet becomes more and more impatient about her destiny with Romeo, the Nurse brings good news, but also a blurry opinion about Juliet's man.

  13. ACT 2 SCENE 6
    The two impatient lovers meet for the wedding with Friar Lawrence, who believes this sudden love will bring sudden consequences.

  14. Juliet sends the Nurse for news from Romeo and waits impatiently for her return. The Nurse deliberately teases her but eventually tells her that she is to marry Romeo that afternoon at Friar Laurence's cell.

  15. Frair Laurence warns Romeo about their hasty marriage telling him it can end badly. Unfortunately, it goes in one ear and out the other. Juliet arrives and she expresses her love for Romeo and they then get married.

  16. At last the Nurse returned with good news, Romeo and Juliet shall marry soon!

    #congratulations #goodluck

  17. Act 2 Scene 5
    Juliet eagerly awaits the nurse and overwhelms her with questions at her arrival. The nurse gives in after teasing the young one and tells her about Romeo's wedding plans.

  18. Act 2 Scene 6
    Romeo and Friar Lawrence await Juliet's arrival. After foreshadowing their death, Friar leads them to the church to get married.

  19. Juliet impatiently awaits the arrival of the nurse, who's got a precious message for her. When she finally arrives, after being late by multiple hours, she beats about the bush before revealing Romeo's answer, and details of their wedding.

  20. Act 2 sc 6:
    The two young lovers meet at the Church and Friar Lawrence advices them to love moderately. Romeo and Juliet leave the cell incorporated two in one, wed by Friar Lawrence.

  21. Act 2, Scene 5:
    The tension rises up as Juliet can't wait to hear what the Nurse will tell her about the wedding and when she comes, Juliet becomes more impatient. The Nurse tells Juliet to go to the cell of Friar Lawrence to marry Romeo.

  22. Act 2, Scene 6:
    When Juliet comes, Romeo and Friar were already expecting her. Then, Romeo and Juliet express their love to each other and they marry.

  23. Finally Juliet arrives at church, the impatient lovers will soon be one. Just take it slow!

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. Act 2, Scene 5 Tweet:

    Juliet is impatiently waiting for her Nurses delayed arrival. After she arrives they argue, until she reveals to Juliet that Romeo wants to marry her.

    Act 2, Scene 6 Tweet:

    At the church, the young couple Romeo and Juliet express their love towards each. Although Friar told Romeo to be careful, they still get married.

  26. ACT 2, SCENE 5

    Many hours after sending the Nurse for news from Romeo, Juliet waits impatiently for her return. The Nurse teases the young bride-to-be telling her that the marriage isn't a good idea, but in the end she approves the marriage ang helps Juliet to meet Romeo.

    ACT 2, SCENE

    While Romeo and Friar Lawrence are waiting for Juliet's arrival, the Friar warns him, telling to the future groom that he has to be careful and love Juliet with moderation. Soon, Juliet arrives and the Friar takes both into the church to get them married.


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