
U.S. Department of State webinar "Teaching the Holocaust in Challenging Times"

Cherrie Daniels

Special Envoy for Holocaust Issues

Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs

U.S. State Department  

March 18th webinar entitled "Trans-Atlantic Dialogues II:  "Teaching the Holocaust in Challenging Times."


  1. ADL/Global100: A 2014 survey of attitudes toward Jews in over 100 countries around the world, with follow-up surveys in 2015, 2017, and 2019.
  2. Arolsen Archives Center on Nazi Persecution’s: The #EveryNameCounts volunteer project for students and others:
  3. Auschwitz-Birkenau Memorial and Museum’s Virtual Tour
  4. Centropa -
  5. Checkology's Lesson Plan on Conspiratorial Thinking
  6. Defiant Requiem Foundation’s Curriculum for teaching the Holocaust through the arts: 
  7. Echoes and Reflections Gringlas Unit on Contemporary Antisemitism
  8. Echoes and Reflections The New Antisemitism and The Three D’s
  9. Echoes and Reflections Case Studies of Antisemitism Related to Israel
  10. Eternal Echoes -
  11. Facing History and Ourselves Lesson Plan: Preparing Students for Difficult Conversations from the Facing Ferguson: News Literacy in a Digital Age Unit
  12. Facing History and Ourselves Tool and Strategies for Teaching Current Events
  13. Facing History and Ourselves - No Time to Think
  14. Facing History and Ourselves - Range of Responses
  15. Holocaust Museum Houston, Micro-Lessons
  16. International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) Recommendations for Teaching and Learning about the Holocaust (already available in 12 languages)
  17. IHRA Recommendations for Teaching and Learning about the Holocaust (English PDF)
  18. IHRA Recognizing and Countering Holocaust Distortion: Recommendations for Decision and Policy Makers
  19. Imperial War Museum -
  20. The National Holocaust Centre and Museum: 
  21. Jewish Foundation for the Righteous -
  22. Jewish Partisans Education Foundation -Teaching with Defiance
  23. POLIN - Virtual Shtetl
  24. Stanford University COR (Civic Online Reasoning) curriculum
  25. TedTalk: Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, "The danger of a single story"
  26. TedTalk” Deborah Lipstadt, “Behind the lies of Holocaust denial
  27. UNESCO, A Teacher’s Guide on the Prevention of Violent Extremism 
  28. U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum, Teach
  29. U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum, Guidelines for Teaching about the Holocaust
  30. U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum, Bibliography and Videography
  31. US Holocaust Memorial Museum - Lesson:Exploring Pre-World War II Jewish Life 
  32. U.S. Department of State, Office of Holocaust Issues SEHI Events Page: 
  33. USC Shoah -iWitness - Pre-War Jewish Life in Europe
  34. USC Shoah -Videos | USC Shoah Foundation
  35. Western States Center, "My Child is Sharing Conspiracy Theories and Racist Memes. What do I say?"
  36. Yad Vashem -
  37. Professor Yehuda Bauer's "Creating a 'Usable' Past: On Holocaust Denial and Distortion


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